Why Think Before You Adopt is one of my favourite marketing campaigns?
Imagine if you have a world of loyal pets that could be your
forever friend, stay by your side through thick and thin, and even give their
lives for you and people are still treating them carelessly and as an ordinary
toy. Guess what? That possibility is real. We live in a scary world. Let me
show you how it’s already happening…
About three months ago, a friend of mine saved two stray
puppies from a violent attack. She paid a visit to a veterinarian to treat and
take good care of them until they recovered. Then she started to search for an adoptive
forever home. She joined Facebook groups related to pets’ adoption in Egypt and
asked the members if they’re responsible enough to adopt the two puppies. After that,
she did a survey and found that most of the potential adopters are not ready
anymore to be responsible for a pet. Some of them are children who just want a
toy. Others ignored the whole topic when they knew that the puppies are stray
and many want to save money or sell the pets. The results came as a shock to my
friend and it was a heartbreaking situation.
The same issue is very common in
Georgia. People adopt pets then they
gave them up after a short time due to many unreasonable reasons. To name a
few, the owners cannot afford the pet’s needs, have personal problems, move to
another city, get bored, lose interest or they don’t have time for them
anymore. However, it’s not the pet’s fault at all. As a result, owners throw
their pets on the street which lead to ever-growing street dog population. Hence,
Georgia is facing a big problem and has many accidents of dog biting. Moreover,
stray dogs are suffering from abusing and starving to death. They became victims
of irresponsible people.
Here it comes the purpose of the marketing campaign that I liked the most which is encouraging potential pet adopters to
take a moment and think seriously before they adopt. The campaign’s idea opens
the door to think of many questions before taking this big decision. The simplest
but most important question is why do you want a pet? Is it for fun? Or as a
present for a kid? Owners should also consider the cost, if they can afford
their needs or not. Because falling in love with pets is easy, it should be
considered that pets are not disposable once the holidays are over, they are a
forever commitment and deserve a better life. This print advertisement is a
good idea of spreading awareness among society. It is created by Saatchi &
Saatchi advertising agency in Georgia and is part of the ACT Responsible
Images Sources:
1- Image by: Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency via
2- Image of the 2 puppies is taken by: my friend via
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